The best activities to visit Santorini
Ideas and advice for a stay full of pleasant surprises.
Red Bull Art of Motion – Free Running Competition
Continuing the tradition of free running competition begun in 2007, Red Bull Art of Motion makes the journey for a second year to Santorini, in 2012. The competitors will amaze with their skillful and creative blend of freerunning, parkour, martial arts and...

Non solo Santorini: Salpiamo insieme per un tour nelle isole vicine (Mykonos, Paros, Naxos, Ios)
Seppure una vacanza a Santorini offra mille opportunità, cose da vedere ed esperienze da vivere, per chi ha qualche giorno in più ed intende vivere a pieno la sua esperienza in Grecia l’isola consente di effettuare anche un interessante tour delle isole cicladi,...

Last Minute Travel Santorini
Siete ancora in tempo per organizzare il vostro viaggio last minute sull'isola di Santorini. Boom di presenze per questa estate sulla nostra isola di Santorini, diventata negli anni il buon ritrovo estivo di molti italiani che, attirati dalla sua atmosfera rilassante,...

#WhySantorini, 10 buoni motivi per visitare l’isola!
Dopo il successo dell nostro contest #whysantorini? che ci ha permesso di raccogliere un gran numero di vostri contributi , abbiamo deciso di selezionare le vostre motivazioni migliori e creare una piccola classifica dei 10 migliori post ispirati all’isola di...

Santorini spirituale: le chiese e i monasteri nel mirino dei fotografi di tutto il mondo
Sull’isola di Santorini convivono da secoli entrambi i dogmi del mediterraneo, ortodossia e cattolicesimo che prendono forma nelle due cattedrali locali, nelle infinite basiliche e nel Convento Dominicano. Le chiese sono delle piccole oasi di silenzio e raccoglimento...

Do not give up anything: sleep in a luxurious Yposkafa!
We have already spoken of the typical Greek island architecture, whose main feature is sustainability, the relationship with the environment and the use of materials of prime necessity, rather than choice materials. What differs Santorini from the other greek...

Win a weekend on the island of Santorini, join our contest!
Reading our posts makes you want to go to Santorini? in collaboration with MySantoriniHotels gives you a weekend on the island in a beautiful suite with the contest WhySantorini? The competition which grants your dream vacation. You will give us...

Feast and festivals on Santorini island
Today we talk about religious feasts on Santorini island. If the Greek population is well known for the big pride that shows towards its thousands of years old culture and for its joyful and lively character, it doesn't surprise anyone that national and popular...

Viaggio di nozze a Santorini: l’isola vista con quattro occhi
Santorini, isola dell’amore per antonomasia, si presta perfettamente a fare da sfondo ad un indimenticabile viaggio di nozze, o addirittura ad una insolita cerimonia sulla Caldera stessa, al tramonto. Numerosi sono i pacchetti turistici e le offerte possibili per i...

How to get to Santorini #2
By air or by sea, let's see how to get to Santorini from Athens To get to the magic island of Santorini you have two possibilities. The plane is without any doubt the fastest mean of transport, otherwise you can contend with a long and fascinating trip by sea. If you...

How to reach Santorini.
The island of Santorini is located 200 km southeast from Greece and it is accessible by plane from places like Athens, Crete, Rhodes, Mykonos and most European capitals. Then there is the sea journey which is a classic of the islands of Greece, it takes longer than...
Feste ed eventi
Dopo aver visto le feste religiose dell’isola, che come nel resto della Grecia vengono festeggiate con grande trasporto e sentimento popolare, oggi conosceremo altri eventi che animano Santorini, in particolare i festival culturali e musicali che rallegrano le sue...

The Island of love: Santorini at the cinema
The stunning scenery that this island offers, the strong contrasts of color, the narrow streets, the sea and especially the fascinating sunsets of Oia, in the years inspired many artists: writers, photographers and filmmakers. These include the award-winning...

You will not have trouble finding a place to eat on the island of Santorini; there are so many restaurants and tavernas in the island, that you can choose to dine in a romantic terrace overlooking the caldera, or in a typical restaurant to enjoy the flavours of Greek...

Time for eating!
Have you ever eaten typical greek dishes? And above all have you ever eaten together with Greek people? The Greek food has the typical features of the Mediterranean food, in which are important olive oil, vegetables, fruit and green vegetables. When you will be at...

How to get to Santorini? #1
How to get to Santorini from Athens? We are going to tell you how to do. In a previous post I wrote some general information related to Santorini island, but I didn't provide you further information about how to get to the island. So... how can you get to Santorini?...

Santorini, the island of the mistery
What has Santorini to do with the myth of Atlantis? Continue to read and you will discover the answer... Mentioning Santorini is like to say "volcanic explosion". Both the main island and the little ones in front of it (Thirassia, Aspronesi, Mikrà Kameni, Palea ...

Santorini… not only seaside
A little island hosting 4 museums, that I advise you to add to your list of visits on Santorini island. Knowing the dimension of Santorini you can think that there are only beaches on it to see. Actually among the notewhorty places there are some museums you can't...